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Radio Stories 

Former Flames in the U.K.

Some former Calgary Flames are trading their NHL dreams for time in the classroom. 

101 Canadians are currently playing in the U.K. top professional league.

And as Sheehan Desjardins tells us the draw isn’t the time on the ice... it’s the time off. 

CBC Calgary Former Flames in U.K. - Sheehan Desjardins

My Chemical Romance

According to Stats Canada, 60 percent of all illicit drug users in this country are between the ages of 16 and 24. This is the story of two of them. Both were much younger when they first entered the world of drugs and alcohol. Both quickly became addicted and both have battled back to sobriety. But as Sheehan Desjardins tells us, both also have some surprising views on their tumultuous journeys, including a love/hate romance that just won't disappear.

My Chemical Romance - Sheehan Desjardins


Taylor Lindsay-Noel was on the road to the Olympic Games when one moment changed everything. The former Canadian national gymnastics team member details her journey back from a devastating injury that left her paralyzed. 

Unbreakable - Sheehan Desjardins

Aboriginal Languages

According to the 2011 census, almost 80 percent of all Canadians claim English or French as their mother tongue. But as Sheehan Desjardins tells us there are some new languages making a resurgence that just might surprise you.

Aboriginal Languages - Sheehan Desjardins

Charity Demand Increase

As rent in Calgary climbs, groceries become more expensive, and workers continue to be laid off, the struggling Calgary economy is impacting a number of local charities. Including the Calgary Food Bank and Brown Bagging for Calgary Kids, many nonprofit organizations around the city are currently facing an increase in demand for their help. Sheehan Desjardins has more.

Charity Demand Increase S - Sheehan Desjardins
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